Monday, August 12, 2013

The Power of Positive Pressure

I continue to be amazed by the positive power of a little peer pressure. It seems like peer pressure is generally thought of as negative, but it can also do good! 

Over the last few days, my oldest son and a few friends decided that they really wanted a classmate to play football this year. The classmate had not played the previous year, nor played on their basketball team the past two years. Despite that, he attended several basketball games to cheer his friends on!
So, this group of boys went into action. On Saturday they talked to their friend and spent time with him at a local festival. They also talked to his mom and urged her to sign him up. Then, they kept on talking and talking and talking to him and with each other late into the night.  They. The one friend and the group of boys, talked Sunday while hanging at the lake. They even got a few others involved in the plan to get their friend to play. They knew that football practice is a lot of work and that their friend was worried about it, but they kept the talk light and focused on the fun parts! They even suggested that he just come and hang out to see what it was all about! 

And guess what..... Today, Monday, the first day of practice, he was there! He showed up, practiced, and plans to come back tomorrow! 

This is what sports, community and friendship is all about! I couldn't be prouder of all involved... My son, his friends who worked together and heir friend who showed up to play! It's going to be a great year! 

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